Where is the reaction to Wikileaks?

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

No, I don't mean hailing Julian Assange as the new messiah or, alternatively, calling for him to be murdered in cold blood. I mean, beyond the weird Cult of Assange thing that's going on.

Wikileaks, for a large part, isn't telling us stuff we hadn't already suspected. You could go as far as to say that most of it we already knew. But there's 'knowing' something and it going on somewhere far away and maybe it's real and maybe it's not, and there's 'knowing' something as in it is out there in the open and in your face. Wikileaks is making the former into the latter.
And, for me, it pretty much makes the entire Western world a hideous place of hypocrisy, lies and heinous crimes.
In our name.

They are our governments. Our corporations. We live in their countries. We buy their products. We work for them. They pay our wages and we pay their taxes. We support it. And now we can't even pretend not to know about it. We are now accomplices if we do not make a stand.

And I find it hilarious that some condemn Wikileaks for this. Call for them to be shut down. Call for the death of Assange. Really? Calling for someones death because they had the balls to get the truth out there?! Because they got your crimes out in the open? Because they make it harder for you to pretend this shit doesn't happen. Makes a mockery of every working day in the Western world. Freedom? Nope, we don't have that. Morals? Not a fucking chance.

We'll make people disappear and torture them with no problem. Funny too that a big deal was made of that one German who was taken and held without trial or due process because it turned out he was the wrong guy. Even if he was the right guy, it's STILL WRONG!

And I say a big deal was made of it but only within the limited press reporting on the leaks.
No arrests have been made. Except for Jesus 2, Julian Assange, who I'm really suspect about altogether but that's a separate issue. Where is the real reaction? The outrage? The arrests for crimes that have come out in the open with these cables?
Where is the reaction?

As far as I'm concerned, these leaks simply make real what most of us suspected. And what that does is make a complete mockery of the Western world. Not just the US. Every country. Hell, not even just the Western world. The whole thing. It's a mess. A complete utter joke. These governments have outlived their usefulness. The corporations should be torn down. This entire society should be allowed to fall apart so it can build something new.
Something better.

For the people. Not for the money. Not for politics. Not for pure evil. For the people.
Just the people.

Facebook by santhOOsh

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

facebook cartoon

Embarrassing incidents

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

embarrassing incidents

Halloween Cat

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

What is asshole

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

Funny Photo

Funny Animal Photo

Funny Cartoon Picture

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

Funny Picture Cartoon

Funny Picture Cartoon

Funny Cartoon Management Lesson

Posted Friday, April 29, 2011 by Nasa Information

Funny Management Lesson Cartoon

Funny Management Lesson Cartoon

Norman Rockwell is a CHEATER!

Posted Thursday, April 28, 2011 by Nasa Information

Norman Rockwell is a CHEATER!

My kids have been asking me for art lessons lately. Lillian has been making anime and manga, and wanted to learn to create action scenes. First, I directed her to WALLY WOOD'S 22 PANELS, an invaluable document which every Marvel Comics artist has at his drawing board.

Next, we went to the Brooklyn Museum to see the work of my favorite illustrator, Norman Rockwell. Rockwell was an expert at telling a complete story using wordless images. He's world-famous for the realism of his paintings. How did Rockwell create such convincingly photorealistic illustrations? By copying photographs!

A lot of stupid fanboys have recently been mocking some Marvel and DC comics artists for using photographs to create realistic art, as if the artists are somehow "cheating."
Well, guess what, morons? We all do it. It's what they teach you in art school; How to trace and copy to make art.
My job as an illustrator is to entertain, not to make things up out of my head. It's not a memory test.

Norman Rockwell is one of the greatest painters of all time! If you want to be as great as he is, do what he did! Trace photographs!
Below, another great artist, Gil Elvgren reveals his secret...

The brilliant Maxfield Parrish:

Vermeer used a camera;

Alex Ross's hands (from his web site)

The Greatest Cartoonist Of All Time™

I'm too lazy to track down the photos I used. I don't usually hold on to reference, but I assure you these images were all traced or copied.

Such a Long Tounge

Posted Thursday, April 28, 2011 by Nasa Information


Dirty Fest

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Russian fest
They had some kind of music fest this weekends near Moscow. It was conducted at the place that was located between two rivers with a narrow road connecting it with “big grounds”, so when the storm rains forecasted some time before acc

Pilot Says “Love You”

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Skies over Perm, Russia
One Russian pilot has said “Love You” to his girlfriend in a manner that the whole Perm city has learned about that too.

The Building Shower

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Russian house got showered
Sometimes the buildings need showers too.
In this case the underground high pressure water pipes come in very handy. When they become too worn out they demand some attention and complain about this to houses in a furious fountain way.
There is a video inside too.

Funny Cartoons For Enjoyment

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Funny Photos

In everyday life there are different moods in people life like angry, smiling, tension etc....here we collected some funny cartoons and we sure that you laugh after seeing these funny cartoons and feel great. 

The cockerel lollipop for everyone

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information


It’s Spring, Say SUNk

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Sunk parkings in Moscow, Russia 1

Toy Soldiers Parade in the Red Square

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

A Bit Too Rainy Minsk

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

potop_minsk 1
While Moscow can at the moment bristle at its exceptional weather (+32C/ +90F), it seems that the capital of Belarus, Minsk, is not up for the same heat spree and decided to cheer its inhabitants up with a bit of a flood.

Swimming With White Whales

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

News From Russian Roads

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Landslide in Samara 1

Japanese Cars Delivery Fail

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Import of Used Japanese Cars 1

Don’t Go Mini In Ukraine!

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Don\'t Go Mini In Ukraine! 1

Only In Russia You May See

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Wackiest Russian Vehicles

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

The most bizarre Russian vehicles one couldn’t even imagine.

The Timeless Russian Problem: Bad Roads

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

The Most Creative

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

creativeads 9
Recently there have appeared many interesting outdoor ads in Russia. Though their performance is often very lame and ideas are not always original, such advertising is certainly an example of Russian creativity which arouses passers-by’s interest and smile.

Russian Flying Fortresses

Posted Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by Nasa Information

Russian Flying Fortresses

Russian flying fortress 1
In 1930s Russian army was … by the idea of creating huge planes. At that times they were proposed to have as much propellers as possible to help carrying those huge flying fortresses into the air, jet propulsion has not been implemented at those times yet.
Not much photos were saved since that times, because of the high secrecy levels of such projects and because a lot of time passed already. Still on the photo below you can see one of such planes – a heavy bomber K-7.
Now modern history lovers in Russia try to reconstruct according the plans left in once to be top-secret Russian army archives their look in full color. This is one example based on ideas of Russian aviation engineers of that times.
Russian flying fortress 15

Russian flying fortress 2
Russian flying fortress 3
Russian flying fortress 4
Russian flying fortress 5
Russian flying fortress 6
Russian flying fortress 7
Russian flying fortress 8
Russian flying fortress 9
Russian flying fortress 10
Russian flying fortress 11
Russian flying fortress 12
Russian flying fortress 13
Russian flying fortress 14
Russian flying fortress 16
via levin

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